extension of the Pedagogical Faculty UPOL

Completed, Newly-built

The extension of the Pedagogical Faculty offers its students new lecture halls, specialist classrooms and an outdoor recreation area.


Žižkovo nám. 5, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic


Palacký University in Olomouc

Architectural design

Miroslav Pospíšil


Martin Karlík, Robert Randys, Veronika Eliášová, Tomáš Hanák, Daria Johanesová


06/2007 - 06/2010


04/2012 - 11/2013


Lukáš Pelech


Honorable Mention in the competition Building of the Year 2014 of the Olomouc Region

The design of the addition reflects the small area of the land and high user’s requirements and considers the planned completion of the school on the adjacent land. We have attempted to locate both buildings by the boundary of the land to enable maximum use of the remaining area of the land.

Next project

The entire extension is designed with a moderate use of materials. Monolithic concrete is mainly used in the exterior and interior of the building.